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What is a TINY.PDF file?
File extension
Document/Office file formats
Developed by
Mime type
Format description
Compressed PDF file.
Use this format to make your PDF files smaller in size without losing quality noticeably. They will still be opened by all programs you normally use. This way, you can free up space on your device while keeping quality intact.
Note: if the produced file is with the same size as the original, it means your PDF file is already optimized and cannot be made any smaller.
Frequently asked questions about PDFs
How to make a PDF file smaller?
MConverter lets you shrink PDF files by 90% for FREE.
Select or paste the PDF files you wish to compress and MConverter will reduce their size while maintaining the best possible quality.
Can I change the PDF compression level?
Yes, MConverter offers three levels of compression: basic, strong, and extreme.
With basic compression, some optimizations are applied to the document, but the PDF quality remains essentially the same as the original file. This setting is for preserving fine details.
With strong compression, there is a much larger reduction in size. The quality remains visually identical to the original, unless you zoom in very closely.
This is the ideal setting for scanned documents, so that you can email them. Text and signatures remain perfectly readable while the file size may be shrunk by more than half, depending on the scanner used. Extreme compression may reduce the quality of the PDF slightly, but you’ll achieve the smallest file size.
How to select the compression level?
After drag-and-dropping or pasting the PDF files you wish to compress, click on one of the three options: basic, strong, or extreme compression. Then, click on the Compress PDF button above them to start the PDF compressor.
Depending on your files, the extreme setting will compress PDF to 100kb or 200kb. The strong setting will compress to 1mb or 2mb. The basic compression level will reduce the size by a few percent.